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    is an open-source, MIT licensed, monitoring and alerting system by Stack Exchange. It has an expressive domain specific language for evaluating alerts and creating detailed notifications. It also lets you test your alerts against history for a faster development experience.

    Project Status (2024-11)

    加速器 is delighted to announce that as of 18th November 2024, we'll be officially taking over Bosun's ownership and maintainership from Stack Exchange (home of stackoverflow.com).

    We would like to thank StackExchange for their time, ensuring a smooth transition process, and for everyone’s hard work and input towards making this project a success. A special thanks to Kyle Brandt for initiating the Bosun project and leading it for many years.

    We will continue to welcome the open-source community code contributions on this project. Look out for updates on our plans and next steps in the near future.


    Want to jump right in? Follow our quick start tutorial to get Bosun, OpenTSDB, and scollector up quickly using our published docker images.


    Download the prebuilt binaries for Bosun and our optional but valuable monitoring agent (Currently works only with OpenTSDB) scollector for Windows, Linux, and Mac.


    Join us in our Slack room. Get an invite. You can open issues on GitHub to report bugs or discuss new features.


    Use Bosun's flexible expression language to evaluate time series in an exacting way


    Create notifications using Bosun's template language: include graphs, tables, and contextual information

    Save time by testing alerting against historical data and reduce alert noise before an alert goes into production

    Supports querying OpenTSDB, Graphite, and Logstash-Elasticsearch


    Runs on Linux, Windows, Mac, or any operating system supported by Go

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